I'm Anthony Joseph Rosner Sr. Son of Lew and Barbara Rosner Brother to 12. Father of 2, Julianne and Anthony Jr and Husband of Stacey.
After spending some time in the hospital for leukemia, I decided I needed a project to keep me busy. This became the perfect empty nester procject. I watch TV, but get bored by it after a couple hours a day and needed somewhere besides work to channel my energy. So I picked up where my mother-in-law left off with her Roots Magic Geneology program and figured I could fill in a few branches on our family. The roots were filled in by Robert Nester and work done by Art Michealis in the late 90s. My MIL used that data to import into the program to connect to her family database of about 6-10K individuals. It's never a complete project. I recently started to think that adding picture album to the project and have it all in one place would be cool. So this page sprung out of that. Send me your pictures of your families. Let me know what family tree branch they go under and I'll update.